After Dental Implants

Please follow the instructions after dental implant surgery.  Dr. Salib and the staff at OC Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Studio would like you to achieve the best results with minimum pain.  To ensure the quickest recovery, do not disturb the surgical area.  Avoid rinsing, spitting, or touching the area on the day of surgery. There may be a metal healing abutment protruding through the gum tissue.

Instructions After Dental Implant Surgery

Dental Implant Bleeding

Some bleeding or redness in the saliva is normal for 24 hours. To control bleeding, place a gauze pad directly on the area and bite down for 30 minutes. If bleeding continues, please call our office for further instructions.

Swelling After Dental Implants

Swelling is a normal occurence after surgery. To minimize swelling, apply an ice bag, a plastic bag, or towel filled with ice on the cheek in the area of surgery. Apply the ice continuosly, as much as possible, for the first 24-36 hours.

Diet Tips

Drink plenty of fluids and eat only soft foods on the day of surgery (nothing hot). Return to a normal diet as soon as possible unless otherwise directed.

Dental Implant Pain Management

You should begin taking pain medication before you feel the local anesthetic wearing off. For severe pain, take any prescribed medication as directed. Please do not take any of the above medication(s) if you are allergic to them or have been instructed by your doctor not to.


Be sure to take any prescribed antibiotics as directed to help prevent infection.

Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is essential to good healing. Warm saltwater rinses (a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) should be used at least 2-3 times a day, especially after meals. Brushing your teeth and the general area of the healing abutment is ok. Doing so may stimulate some additional bleeding but this is ok and should not alarm you. Be gentle when brushing the surgical areas.

Physical Activity

Keep physical activities to a minimum for the first 24hrs following surgery. In general, you should avoid exercise for the first 48hrs as it can stimulate throbbing or bleeding. Additionally, if you are not keeping yourself well nourished this may weaken you and limit your ability to exercise.

Wearing your Prosthesis — Partial dentures, flippers, or full dentures should not be used immediately after surgery and for at least 10 days or more unless specially adjusted by the oral surgeon or your dentist.

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